Celebrities and pregnancy photography
Celebrities made a new trend by showing the world their pregnancy photography. Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Demi Moore, Monika Bellucci, Jessica Simpson and so many others. Nowadays many women want to have professional pregnancy photography. But taking a photo of a pregnant woman sometimes is a challenge.
Every woman wants to look beautiful on her pregnancy photography. It is nice to have pictures from your pregnancy period and if you have decided to make a professional pregnancy photography there are some things you should know.
Make up- even before pregnancy photography session
First of all, you should feel pretty and confident. Professional photographers recommend to their clients to put makeup and do their hair because these procedures increase most women’s confidence. You should prepare for the photo shoot like a model. You should choose careful your clothes. Then decide what parts of your body you want to show nude. The next important thing is to pose naturally and be calm. Smiles are always recommended. You could make some notes and write down some poses you like. Be creative and make your pregnancy photography unique. The photographer should try different camera angles and find your best side.
You should decide where do you want to do the photo shoot
If it is in your home make sure that the space is convenient, if you want to have a colorful background it is best to shoot outside. Of course when you are outside there are some important requirements such as lighting, weather, equipment. Another option is to shoot in a professional studio with or without decor. This option has an advantage – it is easier to adjust the lighting and retouch the photos.

Black or white pregnancy photography?
Many women want their pregnancy photography in black and white. But it is better to have both color and black and white photos. You cannot be sure what is the better option before the photo shoot.
An interesting idea is to make a compilation. You could schedule several sessions for every phase of your pregnancy. That way you could see the transformation of your body.
You should also decide if you want your photographer to be a woman or a man. Some women prefer their photographer to be a woman because they fell more comfortable. Other women prefer men photographers.
Some tips before going to pregnancy photography session
Always drink a lot of water and take short breaks. You should know that the lighting in some studios is very aggressive. Some photographers play music during the photo shoot. If it makes you feel better ask for music or bring your own playlist.
In addition, be careful with using Photoshop to retouch your pregnancy photography. It is always more important to look natural and real. Don’t stress about the photo shoot. After all it should be fun and pleasant. If you are stressed or feel uncomfortable the photo will show. That is why you should relax and let the photographer do her/his job. If you want you could ask the future father of your baby to be part of the process or invite a friend to the photo shoot.
Pregnancy Photography